Monday, April 2, 2007

Ransom Myers solved "the major problem in fisheries science"

Daniel Pauly, who heads the Fisheries Center at the University of British Columbia, cited ... Myers' efforts to solve "the major problem in fisheries science," predicting in one season how many fish larvae will survive to young adulthood in the next. Scientists call this "the recruitment problem," difficult to solve because fish produce immense and highly variable numbers of larvae and because mortality is so high. Myers solved the problem, Pauly said, by assembling a large base of stock data and developing a complex mathematical model to sort it out. "Out of that came the conclusion that a female in general produced three to five recruits per year for most fish," Pauly said. "It is the definitive study." (Picuture of Ram with some of his Myers Lab Team taken in late summer of 2006)

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